t. 01383 621078
m. 07916 311411
e. niall@nyarch.co.uk

I just wanted to extend my sincere thanks to you for the excellent work you have undertaken on my behalf.
The way in which you have communicated and carried out your business over the last few months has been extremely professional and I am very pleased with the results.
I have no hesitation in commending your architectural services and your individual attention to detail – they are first class.
Thank you

– James Adams

Niall was our architect for the extension and conversion project on our house in Dunfermline. We presented him with our initial thoughts and he developed some excellent and innovative design options that we discussed with him before selecting the best option for us. He then completed the design work and obtained planning permission and the building warrant on our behalf, using his knowledge of the process to very good effect. Niall was very attentive to our needs; communicated with us to keep us informed; advised us on the building process; and supported us throughout the project. He was very professional and we were delighted with the service he provided. We would have no hesitation in recommending him as an architect for similar projects.

– John Madden

The extension you designed is great Niall, its made a huge difference to our lives here. Thank you so much.

– Mark Hunter